davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
Must admit I went "Whaaat? No!" when I saw the photo caption, because your photos of these girls are always so much fun. I'm glad you're not really (yet?) selling them!
Oh yeah! Halfway there! Wooot! [Insert random memes about how much worse can the rest of 2020 get...]
Social media is kind of a morass of nonsense at the best of times, worse now. Best to avoid the swampy areas -- and the news. The local community page I got news leads from got shut down because of nastiness; another is nothing but a small group of conspiracy theorists and redneck anti-government anti-media anti-everything B.S. (There's that small element in this village as well, that Don't you dare tell me what I can or can't or have to do because I ain't doin' it -- It can make for bad neighbours. sad )
Doll forums are my happy place on the internet, so yeah, if there's a doll community that is more of a downer than fun, then I'd abandon it too.

(07-02-2020, 06:21 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: To be honest, America scares the shit out of me right now. From outside, it looks like the US are trying to commit national-level suicide. Stay safe, please!
This... And we're right next door. It isn't just the national suicide, it's who they're going to take down with them. It is admittedly hard to find pure "news" amid the sensationalism and editorializing, but it still looks like a train wreck.

...anyway, the girls, as always, are very cute!
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davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 01-02-2020, 04:54 PM
RE: davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by Alliecat - 07-03-2020, 06:18 AM

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