Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(08-12-2020, 06:41 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Ahhh, so there's variation in different countries! How interesting!

It is interesting! I mean, it's pretty normal for all kinds of organisms to look differently in various places, but Europe doesn't even have hummingbirds, the normal ones at least, but we do have these guys! Maybe they escaped from the laboratory of some mad scientist who imported them from somewhere else?

(08-12-2020, 08:04 AM)Loona Wrote: OK, I'm totally jealous now, these creatures look wonderful! We now sleep with the window open due to the heat, but all we get are flies, mosquitoes, and the occasional ground beetle. Oh, and the bats - but they stay outside (and sadly they are clearly not enough in numbers, oterwise we wouldn't have the previously listed 3 in the room).
I guess we also lack brains - probably Ghoulia and the Once Upon a Zombie dolls have already done the job during the nights?

I hear you on all the insect night visitors. I'm using that Raid / Biolit thingie that you put into socket and it disperses repellent. Works pretty well!
I once had a bat in the room, when I was visiting my grandma. Poor thing was so confused - the bat, not grandma - because the room was small and full of furniture, it must have messed up the bat's echolocation. Or maybe it was just curious... It fluttered around for about 20 minutes before finally flying out.
I must have lost my brain before I started collecting dolls, because my zombie squad never seemed to detect it. My migraines started when I was.. eleven? Twelve? I don't really remember... But that might be when my brain died... Or at least stopped looking tasty...

(08-12-2020, 08:07 AM)Elfy Wrote: Yours are probably the European variety.

I wonder how many varieties exist...

(08-12-2020, 12:33 PM)davidd Wrote: What you said way back when I posted the pic of the Gazette Æronautique newspaper featuring Beatrix on the cover. Yeah, that. That's what I'm saying now.

This how I wanted the wings on my sketch to look, but I couldn't get the geometry or the anatomy right. This is a marvelous illustration, as well as a cute portrait of Lala, and... I may need to copy and print this pic, too, to hang on the wall in Nelly's laboratory.

I'm glad that my crude illustration was able to convey that these elusive creatures do, indeed, have colorful crests on their heads. You did a much better job of capturing that detail. You must have managed to get a pretty close look. Perhaps there are still a few tantalizingly delectable brains cells swimming around in your skull amid the snot.


Thank you! Do you want me to scan it, so that it's better quality than this photo?

They did come pretty close, and I've seen them fly inside neighbors' window, so I guess they fed themselves and then they were just kinda chilling out in the trees around, so I had some time to watch them. I wonder if they were both males or whether females of this species have combs, too.

I think my cerebral snot is perfectly... cerebrum-free at this point, but it fizzes and bubbles quite a lot, I guess that's how I'm still capable of thinking...

Day 225

[Image: 624dcccad81c070bf4b6aa4ca2085633.jpg]

And those are my Groove redheads, the rest will be a mix of other brands. At the moment, there is one more named redhead in Oddwickshire, but it's an unshelled character. I'm sure more will force themselves into existence eventually.


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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 08-13-2020, 12:12 AM

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