PrettyTiny Film Company -- Alliecat's crew (Jan. 28)
I can't believe I just spent as long as I did looking up octopus species in order to name a plushie!!, hahaha.... looking for a name that would be a takeoff on his genus/species.  "Grimpoteuthis" isn't a very attractive name!  "Teuthi"?
Maybe I'll have to look up some mythological octopus types or something.
Ha!  I hadn't heard about Paul.  Read the Wikipedia page LOL  A while back PBS's "Nature" did a fascinating program about octopuses.  They are really clever, apparently.  I do know, from nearly getting hauled into a tank in Hawaii, that they are very very strong!!  (OK, I exaggerate a wee bit; she didn't actually threaten to pull me in... but I did have trouble getting her to let go! LOL )

Anyway, a few of pix of Samantha from the Dal House "orange" challenge, and a few more from Sara's quick shoot today.

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (new Aug. 27) - by Alliecat - 08-28-2020, 12:04 PM

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