I am far behind on everyone’s posts here & will have to catch up when I am not trying to do it on my phone… It has been a crazy busy period, culminating in being awake for 23 hours around supervising a provincial election poll. Got the job on Friday, bumped up from another job at a different location, no training and they had to hunt for a manual for me. So I spent the weekend cramming with that and putting out fires... then of course I woke up far earlier than I needed to on Monday and I am somewhat wrecked after the 13 hour shift yesterday. And today I was going to take it easy but the deer trashed my veggie garden fence… Repairs underway.
So that’s where things are at here, but PTFCo’s big announcement is the arrival tonight of our new crew member!!! Have kind of had an eye out for her since seeing one at PUDDLE… Never thought I would find her at a reasonable price. She was part of a split where the other person really just wanted the other doll.
I have asked her what her name is and am awaiting the answer
So that’s where things are at here, but PTFCo’s big announcement is the arrival tonight of our new crew member!!! Have kind of had an eye out for her since seeing one at PUDDLE… Never thought I would find her at a reasonable price. She was part of a split where the other person really just wanted the other doll.
I have asked her what her name is and am awaiting the answer