Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
I'm afraid of bugsies and spidies and other multi-leggedy beasties (unless they're 'good bugs' like for example bees, butterflies, ladybeetles and rose chafers. Or characters in Tim Burton's movies), so I can't help but think of giant ticks when I look at his costume... Sorry...

EDIT!!! I somehow clicked on second last page instead of the last and didn't notice it, so I replied to yesterdays post and didn't see today's one!

Don't know the movie, but plush kitten (ok, lion cubs) are always cute! I loved how you posed them! Our old kitties used to rest their heads on each other like that all the time.

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by neon_jellyfish - 09-27-2020, 10:19 PM

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