Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(09-27-2020, 09:55 PM)Elfy Wrote: Those 2 look great together. When we were overseas a few years ago, we picked up a Simba from a Disney store In the UK to give to our nephew as a present. We didn’t really know what else to give him, and I don’t he was even 1 yet at the time. Weird thing is that Simba became his favourite toy,his parents even had to buy him another one for him to have while they cleaned or gave the original a rest.

Ha! I actually did the same for one of my baby cousins, and yeah, have been informed they could hardly get the toy off him when he was born. 

(09-27-2020, 10:19 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: I'm afraid of bugsies and spidies and other multi-leggedy beasties (unless they're 'good bugs' like for example bees, butterflies, ladybeetles and rose chafers. Or characters in Tim Burton's movies), so I can't help but think of giant ticks when I look at his costume... Sorry...

EDIT!!! I somehow clicked on second last page instead of the last and didn't notice it, so I replied to yesterdays post and didn't see today's one!

Don't know the movie, but plush kitten (ok, lion cubs) are always cute! I loved how you posed them! Our old kitties used to rest their heads on each other like that all the time.

No, no, that's fair. I'm sorry to have scared you with the figure.

The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. It's one of those direct to video sequels Disney did a ton of in the late 90s/early 00s. It's generally agreed that this is one of the better ones, and plays on Romeo & Juliet in a more overt way that The Lion King does with it's Shakespearian influences. Animation downgrade, yes, but still decent in comparison to some of those movies. This was just the easiest way to pose them together, so I'm glad to hear it's a proper kitty pose. 

(09-27-2020, 11:48 PM)Aichan Wrote: I didn’t know there was a lion king 2.  I knew about the Musical / play and are they redoing the orginal? Or maybe its a live action! 

Well put of the Lion King Loop. 

Its nice you still have your  childhood plushies in good condition. My are  pretty thread bare especially The oldest.

It came out in ... 1998, I believe! It's on their streaming service, if you have that, or easily found on DVD or Blu-Ray. The 2019 remake of the original is... hit and miss. The voice acting is great, but you lose a lot when you use photo realistic CGI to animate characters. There's a lot of missing ex.pressions. 

I wish these were childhood. They were huge childhood wants, but I wasn't able to get them until I was in uni. 

(09-28-2020, 12:09 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I can't recall if I saw Lion King 2.  I was curious about looking for the remake of #1 though.  Cute pose for these two.
Don't know anything about Marvel universe.... blue guy has nice colours though...

Blue Guy is  DC character - the Blue Beetle. He's just more in line with the sizing of the Marvel Legends figures. 
It's a fun movie. Not the huge spectable of the first, but definitely one of the stronger villains...

(09-28-2020, 04:07 PM)Elfy Wrote: I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong here, but I believe the Blue Beetle is DC, not Marvel. I don’t think Marvel had any predominantly blue characters unless you count Nightcrawler.

You're entirely right! Blue Beetle is DC! 

(09-28-2020, 07:28 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: werepuppy, they look very cute posed like that.

The 2019 remake is photo realistic CGI, even if Disney won't admit to it. It's... hit and miss, really. There is a strong feeling that they were testing animating in that format by remaking something popular. Whether or not they'll use it again remains to be seen. Honestly? I think there would have been a lot more enjoyment from a professional recording of the stage musical. Though rumours abound that they are planning on recording all their stage plays for the service at some point so... it'll happen.

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272. L is for Lucario

[Image: 75288497_7f5351ec3690191b3749487abf3b26bb_standard.jpg]

Showing off his psychic energy move that does a lot of damage. Lucario is a Pokémon, and the only one I have in S. H. Figuarts form. He's  very articulated, and such fun to pose. I also just like it when I get this Pokémon in my party in game - he's a tough little one.

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 09-28-2020, 09:27 PM

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