Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(09-28-2020, 11:44 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Oh this is fantastic.

Also it feels lik Faybelle has gotten stuck with the babysitting and she's not best pleased about it

Thank you!!!

Haha, yeah, she's not, looking after little kids isn't her style. She might be in for a surprise though, if a magic fight broke between them, I'd bet on Lil' Fairies. They are quite a capable bunch. She'll be fine if she just leaves them alone...

(09-29-2020, 05:44 AM)Alliecat Wrote: A cute collection.  You can get a lot in that light box!

Thanks! Well, these are quite small. The most I managed to cram in there was 11 dolls, 5 Pullips and 6 MH dolls.

(09-29-2020, 05:21 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: It’s so suitable that your fairies live in the light box LOL

Fay Belle looks distinctly unimpressed to be surrounded by all the little ones - which are tiny!  I forget how little they are when they are by themselves.
Nothing wrong with being a dark fairy Monty!  You need the dark to contrast the light!

The lightbox is like a living room here (this flat only has kitchen, bathroom and bedroom), most exciting things happen in there...

She tends to look down on them (well, on everyone), but she's underestimating them...

Yup, they're my tiniest dolls. I should take a size comparison photo like werepuppy does some time.

(09-29-2020, 05:39 PM)Elfy Wrote: Your fairies look to be enjoying life in the light box. The filtered photo is perfect for this type of shot. It echoes the Cottingsley fairies.

Thank you! That was exactly what I was going for! I hope to revisit the idea in better weather.

Day 273

A Total Doodling Failure A Week #38

...I actually didn't want to post this, because I botched it, but I don't have fuel to draw anything else, so I'm posting it anyways.

[Image: 5b594d8d35410a34521c57e00734907d.jpg]

[Image: 924ac4533b6f2e29ea13c861e654ef6f.jpg]

So I wanted to make a sortavintagemovielikekindaposter for davidd's Sally LaSalle, because I love that character, but I'm obviously way too out of shape for that.
The base drawing wasn't that bad (still pretty bad though), it did resemble the doll a (very slight) bit (the hair is different on purpose, because center parts weren't much of a thing in 30s), but I completely destroyed it when I started lining and coloring. I didn't even finish it, because lipstick on a pig, right? She doesn't look like herself at all. I hate this thing and I think I'm going to burn it.

I'm sorry for doing this to your wonderful character, davidd!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 09-29-2020, 08:56 PM

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