Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(10-22-2020, 01:03 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Rebecca is a stunning doll, I can see why you'd say she makes any photo pretty.

And yes with the strong twin vibes.

Thank you very much!

(10-22-2020, 08:25 AM)davidd Wrote: The sketch is lovely, and all the more intriguing knowing the background behind it. My botanical knowledge is sadly lacking. I would have thought it was a sketch of your lavender-based herb garden.

Constructing a miniature version of the Addams Family mansion set would be... well, it would be beyond my skill set. That staircase would be amazing to see in model form.

Rebecca is quite lovely, which certainly comes in handy if you need a "quick and pretty" dolly pic. As long as you don't have to untangle her hair.

Thank you!!!

(10-22-2020, 05:45 PM)Elfy Wrote: Do you have a zoologist or vet or doctor for Oddwickshire?

Kiiiinda sorta? The best way to put it would be that I'm trying hard not to have one. It's one of those characters that are trying to happen by force, but I don't want to have too many to shell. The new character that I was talking about a few days ago gave me no room for negotiation, that one must happen, but I'm trying to keep the numbers low otherwise. Witches and Iaso can help pets and other animals in need, and Eteri is doing a good job reporting about creatures she encounters on her mystery hunts, so there's not a dire need for such a character to be fleshed out, they can stay in the mob right now.

Day 296

[Image: d704e2c32201c557ec7d4078e36246f9.jpg]

We're 5h 40min into another round of quarantine. The political situation accompanying this is awful, and I want to rant, but I would only drag myself further down, when I need to cheer up. They will lift the restrictions when the reproduction number goes down to 0.8, we're at 1.4 or 1.6 now (the news can't get it straight). I'm afraid that most of the shops will go down before the end of quarantine.

I understand why we need restrictions right now, we've had a sharp increase in deaths, twenty-something per day two weeks ago, forty-something for the last week, over 70 yesterday. There's 10.65 mil of us, so that's a lot of deaths.

I'm angry with our government, they kept making mistakes, and now they try to blame everything on people (who share part of the blame, but not all of it). And our prime minister is abusing this situation to help his private businesses. And much more, but I'm not going to delve into it. We have a saying - the more you knead the shit the more it smells, so I'm going to stop kneading this one.

Here's the unfiltered version:

[Image: 4f11ee40d25e13ae88202990cd3c3aae.jpg]

And one with a doll, to meet the ADAD requirements:

[Image: 782b8011ba2b7b6a26405a252f7d9063.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 10-22-2020, 07:40 PM

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