(12-01-2020, 10:56 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Haha, a purist You would hate this... A fisherman I knew once claimed one of his go-to sandwiches was peanut butter and -- sandwich spread. Now, I don't know if that exists in Australia, but here's an example. To which fisherman I said, "EW!!!" I vowed I was going to try it sometime out of curiosity, but never did. ...Hmmm.
I lived on PB&J while fishery observing with the above-mentioned person and others. One needed a lot of food to get through the day. And you'll think me a real heathen cos I'll put in whatever jam I happen to have -- raspberry, blueberry, peach...
What, no grape jelly?? Augh!!! Horrors!!!! I would really miss that. I like grape anything.
And I had to look up fairy bread. Um.... Ohhkay den.
This forum is so educational!
I think part of the reason people don't 'get' the idea of PB&J over here it is because grape jelly (in my opinion) is what makes PB&J really shine, and its so hard to find grape jelly here. I was all like 'ew why would you put jelly/jam on peanut butter?', until I tried it with grape jelly back when I first went to the US, and was like 'yum'. So now I'm a convert. I'm game to try it with blueberry or peach! Strawberry is the only one I don't like. (Which is ironic because strawberry jam is my favourite). Also yeah it's difficult to buy grape jelly here but there are a LOT of import food stores in Australia now that carry stuff like that, usually in massive jars, so its not too hard to obtain. It's where I get my stash of hostess cupcakes (they are terrible but I love them)... and pickles. A lot of pickles here are sweet pickles and have sugar in them. D:
Peanut butter and sandwich spread is a new one!! I wonder if its any good? I'm game to try, haha. We don't really have those kind of sandwich spreads in Australia, no Miracle Whip either. Our 'default' mayo (i.e. Traditional) is lighter and more tangy than US mayo, and if you want a US style mayo you gotta buy egg mayo specifically or Kraft 'real' mayo. (Though we have kewpie now, I just buy that).
I have all the weird Australia vs USA observations, haha. Here's another interesting one: creamer (like flavoured coffee creamer) is not a thing in Australia at all. Not sure if its a thing in Canada? My fiancee was addicted to hazlenut creamer.
(12-01-2020, 11:16 AM)davidd Wrote: Fairy bread sounds awesome! I'm going to make some up as soon as I get home next week! (Remind me, okay?)
Fairy Bread is nice! Alternate tip: I make chocolate fairy bread with Nutella base instead of butter sometimes.