Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
Valerica and Nora seem to make a cool pair - they don't seem much alike though, despite the similarities in their ancestry. I love the stock on both of them, Nora's dress is so cool and Valerica's shirt is so grungey, it reminds me of my own school years (though I never had checkered shirts back then. And then for a long time - up until last year, when I came across a monochrome grey-black checkered (and studded!) one that I liked. The husband tends to call me Kurt Cobain when I wear it... I'd also love to come across a dress similar to Nora's, been on the hunt for something like that for myself for decades).

Oh, there's my favourite pair - and a new word I haven't yet heard! They are utterly cute yeah, sure, nothing is going on there, I'm with you, what on Earth others are talking about? LOL I really like the posing, so ex-pressive smile

So I've never been interested in the Marvel universe, and it hasn't really crossed my ways either (apart from the occasional Doctor Strange I've been seeing in my Pinterest feed due to fangirling over Mr. Cumberbatch - but I also didn't really have any interest in Mr.C as Doctor Strange), yet one day a couple of weeks ago I woke up to a dream I had about... Loki. This one in particular, not the 'classical' Norse one I've been aware of. It has been bugging me for some days, so I went ahead and watched some of the movies, aaaand... I seem to have developed some kind of a crush on him. He matches the aesthetics I used to fangirl over when I was less than half this age, and I had a soft spot for villains already when I was little (the first one I can think of was Roderick Scunner Campbell from Super Gran - does anyone remember this series here?), but it's still an unex-pected new thing in my life Sweatdrop I party blame you (and partly Hina), because I can't really think of any other source of him getting into my mind other than through your pictures - I don't mind though, so please don't actually feel blamed, or at least not in a bad way ^^
My Flickr Gallery blush

"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by Loona - 12-05-2020, 06:19 AM

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