Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(12-12-2020, 09:00 AM)Elfy Wrote: They look fantastic as a group, colourful and otherworldly.

Thank you!

(12-12-2020, 10:24 AM)davidd Wrote: You may have missed out on some of the EAH and MH releases in Europe, but you got the cool later-issue Novi Stars that were never released in the States!

Also, Bratzillaz Vampelina! You could have financed your retirement years by stocking up on those!

Haha, people from States tend to say this, but to me, it sounds like 'you missed out on dozens of dolls, but you got these few while we didn't' LOL Sorry, it's nothing personal, I just recently - and not for the first time - heard the same thing (but with Haunted Rochelle) aimed at someone at MH Arena (in a way that made it sound like 'no one cares about you and all the lines you never got, we didn't get Haunted Rochelle, woe is us'), so I got all triggered. It made me think about how things look from the other side of the puddle, and that it's not accurate at all. I believe I said this before, but most of Europe didn't get most of those late Novis either, it was practically only Russia (and Russia is a continent of its own, it's pretty much impossible to buy something from there unless you speak Russian), and I had to look for most of my Novis in the weirdest places. As for Bratzillaz, I don't know about other countries, but Czech Republic got first two waves of core characters, and that was it, no Vampelina here. Aside from things that never got here / disappeared after two waves [insert a long list], there are also fees for importing from abroad (they usually add cca 30% to the sum of item cost and shipping), so everything is quite ex!pensive here.

Sorry it sounds so grumpy, I'm grumpy for many reasons today, but none of it is aimed at you personally. I just felt sorta 'this again' and wanted to clarify, and I'm completely out of positive attitude today. I really should get used to this, but I seem to be unable to, I'm just eternally butthurt about all the dolls we never got.

(12-12-2020, 03:34 PM)Alliecat Wrote: What a fun group! Anne is still my favourite of all the characters.

Thank you very much! I love Anne. I don't think I have a fave Novi, but whenever I'm taking their photos, Anne is the first one to come to mind. Must be the troll hair...

(12-12-2020, 07:20 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: He Dark Queen collective is wonderful as always.  I do like your thinking about it’s a specific gene, which is why you have many different species with the Queens.

(12-12-2020, 07:21 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: Love how Mae seems to be peeking around from behind the others.

Thank you!!!

(12-12-2020, 10:27 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Ooh, I do like those Novis. Always passed them by in stores, and regret it when I see your pictures.

Thank you very much! You don't have to regret too much, they're super cute, but the quality is less than super. They invested too much into gimmicks and not into quality of used materials, or engineering, so these dolls weren't really worth the retail price, let alone what some people are asking for them on e-bay.

Day ??? Technically, yes, it does seem to be a day... In a way... To a degree...
Day 347

[Image: e4cee3fa802123e17ca36f8f125ae613.jpg]

O'Hair twins Heart
Never really cared about the characters, but they're twin redheads, that's all I need to know! Holly needs a reroot (she has a lot of hair on the sides and the back of her head, but the top is almost bald, I think it's intentional so that her tiara fits, but I don't like how it looks), I hope I'll be able to get the same shade of saran.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 12-13-2020, 02:39 AM

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