davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(12-26-2020, 11:23 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Your little tree with lights is great!

Thanks! It's an inex-pensive "dollar store" type tree with some string lights wrapped around it.

The action figures had a little Christmas party the other night. The action figs aren't particularly popular here on this forum... other than Doctor Evil and Frank... but would you like to see a few scenes from the party? Sure you would:

[Image: xmas2.jpg]

[Image: xmas3.jpg]

[Image: xmas8.jpg]

[Image: xmas11.jpg]
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

Messages In This Thread
davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 01-02-2020, 04:54 PM
RE: davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 12-26-2020, 01:48 PM

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