PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (May 30)
They turned out great! Both Pam and the cactus are lovely, and I like how her hair and eyeshadow harmoninse with the plant smile

Arrgh, don't tell me about the issues with focusing at a shallow DOF - over the weekend I finally got in the mood of taking some photos, and "dolls with flowers" were exactly what I had in mind. I sat my rehaired Disney Store mini Rapunzel I've been meaning to show off for months now on the Hoya, and after struggling with not being able to take one single photo that had her face in focus for about half an hour, I actually gave up! Granted, her head is about quarter the size of a Little Pullip head, but it also occurred to me (after I've already given up and packed stuff away, plus the lights have already gone out) that I've tried to take the photo with my zoom kit lens, and not the 35mm or 50mm ones I usually use for my dolls - and which never gave me such issues. Oh well, I'll try to look at it positively: at least now I know this kit lens also has that focal point mismatch/aberration thing going on (in which the focal point visible in the viewfinder is not where the actual focal point is). I had this lens for about 1.5 years now, so at first I wondered how I haven't yet noticed it, but then I realised travelling was pretty limited during these 1.5 years, and I usually use this type of lens for travel photos, and in larger scale photography like landscapes and city photography, this doesn't really cause issues. When trying to focus on a face that is 1x2cm in size though, it is pretty apparent slash
Too bad camera repair shops fall into the category that are now closed by law, so who knows when I'll have a chance to take it to have it corrected. I might have to look into trying to do it myself - I know there's a menu section for it somewhere in the camera because my brother-in-law showed it to me once, but normally I definitely wouldn't feel pro enough to do something like this myself. These are desperate times tho... sly
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"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (new March 17) - by Loona - 03-19-2021, 04:52 AM

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