Red the travelling Dal visits Canada
Does the lighthouse tour mean you have recovered from your painting injury?

Okay, the one with Red "holding" the miniature lighthouse is too funny! Shots like that are challenging enough to manage with full-sized people! That was rather brilliant! I'm sure the photographer agrees!

On foggy nights, can you hear multiple fog signals from your house? If so... one more reason why you live in the Best Place In The World™.

"The Whistle" looks compact enough that constructing a replica in Pullip Scale might not be a completely unreasonable project.

Was the stand-alone cupola rescued from the lighthouse (Ross Island, wasn't it?) that collapsed a few years ago?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Red the travelling Dal visits Canada - by davidd - 08-24-2021, 11:42 AM

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