Red the travelling Dal visits Canada
You were on the ex-pedition to retrieve the pieces?!? When they had to try to dig parts out of the sand on the beach?

You have done so many amazingly cool and exciting things!

And now you're telling us about being a fisheries observer!

You're like, "girl scientist" and "girl reporter" and "girl adventurer"... oh, and "girl sailor" all rolled in to one!

What was the name of the movie I watched recently? Oh... right: Joan Lowell: Adventure Girl!

There needs to be a sequel: Alliecat, Sunsette, and Friends: Adventure Girls!

Are those spectacular cliffs on your island? They look hundreds of feet high! I have been picturing the island as being relatively flat. Apparently that is not the case.

(300 foot cliffs, so sez Wikipedia. Wow! Cool!)

The small lighthouse is simple but rather cute!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Red the travelling Dal visits Canada - by davidd - 08-26-2021, 03:47 PM

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