PrettyTiny Film Company -- Alliecat's crew (Jan. 28)
Thanks everyone!  Dals can be well suited to melancholy photos.  And Aya is really a stunning doll.

I am 6 months behind, sorting photos, ugh!!  I still have some to sort from when my lupins were in bloom! sad
Then I shoot more.
I'll catch up, sometime...

An anniversary was observed, and it always requires cake.  So of course the blue dolls had to pose with such a pretty cake (peppermint vanilla, mmmm).

[Image: 51736760686_09d7411fb8_o.jpg]

[Image: 51735940702_f931c89ee8_o.jpg]
Funny how minis look OK with regular-proportioned dolls, but big Pullips don't.

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[Image: 51737406284_8fc50677c2_o.jpg]
I got this fabulous scarf for a friend.  Well, first I got a different one, with blue in it.  Then I liked it so much I decided to keep it.  I went back to the store for the other one; they only had 2... and on a bad day that needed some dolly time to save it, I realized what an awesome photo backdrop the scarf is.  I did end up sending it, but I regret it slash

[Image: 51736760911_5b579693a1_o.jpg]

[Image: 51737652760_5bc7742c7d_o.jpg]

[Image: 51736761081_d533b3aa14_o.jpg]

[Image: 51736761141_c18920b4f8_o.jpg]

[Image: 51736761171_245407dd3e_o.jpg]

I love long ex.posure light painting sooooo much!  yay
Thanks for looking.
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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (Dec. 9) - by Alliecat - 12-10-2021, 04:52 PM

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