PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#52, Dec. 29)
I appreciate and applaud your "exception" to your general rule of not combining your hobby with the real world!

I really hope the Trucker Movement gains traction. I know the truckies in Australia tried something similar. Not sure how it played out. Not a total success.

I wish the world were watching, but seriously, there has been ZERO coverage of this here in the States that I have seen. Even the "conservative" (or "toxic right wing") media aren't covering anything related to standing up against Big Government. I'm seeing more signs every day that even those in the media who were skeptical have sold out... or been pressured in to silence.

I'm glad something is finally happening in Canada. I hope it spreads to the States, and fast!

It's a serious situation... but it's a really fun photo!

And quite an ambitious undertaking, bringing everyone out in to the snow and ice like that! Looks slicker'n snot under the snowpack! Be careful out there! (How many times do you bruise your tailbone in a typical winter season?)
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#4, Jan. 27) - by davidd - 01-28-2022, 11:34 AM

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