PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#52, Dec. 29)
The dresses were a gift from Karen/hugosdaughter since the crew couldn't go to PUDDLE.  Samantha and Red are happy to have another new dress that's perfectly sized for them.  smile
I'm really liking this wig on her too.  I'm glad someone has arrived to wear it.  I got it for Dae after the Fire Incident, but somehow it didn't really contrast enough with her skin tone to work for me in person, although I thought it would after a Photoshop test.
I keep saying I need to glue this one on, but then I'm curious about re-styling Dae's old black one, just to try it on her.

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Canada Day.
The crew's not sure whether they're celebrating or not.  Nobody's quite sure which way up the flag should go these days.

In Ottawa, there was quite the attempt at governmental crackdown again, with media fearmongering, a "vehicle exclusion zone", people being pulled over by police for certain decor on their cars or maybe carrying a flag made them suspicious, and threats of increased fines such as $1000 for "shouting".
Fortunately a crowd of pedestrians made it in to the Parliament area and there were too many of them to fine.
Oh, Canada  slash
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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#26, July 1) - by Alliecat - 07-02-2022, 12:48 PM

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