PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#52, Dec. 29)
(07-24-2022, 03:32 PM)davidd Wrote: Do you intentionally plant flowers that match your dolls?
Haha.  Nope.  Especially considering the extremely limited selection at our one tiny garden shop.  I see something in bloom and think about who will match it.
Sadly, a week makes a huge difference and the small snapdragons have tanked.  Maybe not quick enough deadheading, maybe the heat, maybe cos they're getting overrun by the tall ones.  Whatever, they don't look very good  sad

(07-25-2022, 03:33 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: Adorable! So pink!
Thank you smile

Lea's my girl for climbing on things, being so wonderfully poseable.  Also miraculously I managed not to lose the star that came unstuck from her shoe.
These are the grabbiest peas I've ever seen -- never had a variety with so many tendrils before.  They're also about 5x bigger than they ever got in the old garden.  I'm amazed.  Today I have a whole big bowl of peas to freeze.  Yum  smile
It's a twofer this week because otherwise I'll have one leftover pic to post "eventually" in the random pix thread, and because I only got 2 before the mosquitoes once again became intolerable.

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#30, July 30) - by Alliecat - 07-31-2022, 01:15 PM

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