12-07-2022, 02:13 PM
(12-07-2022, 10:44 AM)davidd Wrote: It occurred to me just a couple of hours ago, after I have already shot about a third of the photos I need for the photo-story I'm working on, that if I set the ISO on the DSLR camera to "auto" rather than to a specific setting, I will have less of an issue with long shutter speed handheld blur.Hahaha

This is true...
I always shot 200 ISO film so it's kind of my standard for guessing ex-posure and calculating stops for something different, but my K-x lets me choose a range for ISO. So I can set it to go as high as, say, 800, thus avoiding more grain at higher speeds.
Of course a tripod is always handy for the longer ex-posures, assuming your setup will allow you to get one in. I've had the camera upside down on the center post more than once to get at dolly setups on the floor.
Fun to see behind the scenes!