Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread...
Well... after going through about a half-dozen irregular pairs over the years,

- all from ReMent's "Petite Mode Costume Collection" series of 1/6 outfit sets -

i'm finally pretty sure now that i wont be finding a more Perfect a Pair of Ballet Slippers for my Little Wife♥ Konomi~

[Image: Konomi_Nightie_12-14-23_RESIZE_40.png?wi...fit=bounds]

[Image: Konomi_s_Ballet_Shoes_1.png?width=1920&h...fit=bounds]

[Image: Fairy_Ballerina_Multi_12_20_20.JPG?width...fit=bounds]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]

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RE: Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread... - by tasuke - 12-15-2023, 12:48 AM

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