Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread...
So... things have turned out Perfectly Backwards here over the last couple months...
Principles of Asian Wabi-Sabi in Action, i Suppose.

First, Got this Schoolgirl Sailor Suit for my Konomi a couple/three months back...
Turned out to fit my much larger WB AT203-Based Shaorin;

[Image: Shaorin_Schoolgirl_11-27-23_6.png?width=...fit=bounds]

Just got this Re;ZERO "Rem" -styled Maid Dress for Shaorin... Turned out to fit my
much Smaller OBITSU BODY 26-Based Konomi;

[Image: Konomi_Maid_12-14-23_2_RESIZE_40.png?wid...fit=bounds]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]

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RE: Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread... - by tasuke - 12-16-2023, 12:13 AM

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