Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new July 7)
Happy New Yaarrr!
This was absolutely not the sort of day I'd envisioned taking Sofia out, but, I needed a pic for the newspaper and decided to take someone along for my pic-a-week... so there we were. It had to be at least (at most?) -10 with the wind chill. Bits of me wanted to seize up in the cold. Not to mention extra layers making it hard to move and frozen toes because I didn't think there'd be snow out on the point right by the water so I just wore shoes. That's how cold it was; it didn't even melt there. A couple of poses in a couple of spots and worrying about losing her accessories, and that's it for this shoot!

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[Image: 53444405197_df94a23018_o.jpg]
We are both hoping our ship comes in this year.
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RE: Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! - by Alliecat - 01-06-2024, 01:49 PM

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