21 March - A Doll A Day 2024:
Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (1977) by Richard Bach. Fictional allegory-type novel, a genre which had a run of popularity in the 1970s. Initially interesting, but ultimately fails (I thought) to make a convincing argument, and ultimately becomes trite, predictable, and unsatisfying. But hey... there's actually a vampire in it! I wasn't ekspecting that!
Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (1977) by Richard Bach. Fictional allegory-type novel, a genre which had a run of popularity in the 1970s. Initially interesting, but ultimately fails (I thought) to make a convincing argument, and ultimately becomes trite, predictable, and unsatisfying. But hey... there's actually a vampire in it! I wasn't ekspecting that!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!