Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread...
(04-02-2024, 02:04 AM)davidd Wrote: The Tenka Osaki fig is cute -- and much improved with the body upgrade!

Will the costume fit the larger body? Or do you have another project in mind for the costume?

I won't be using Tenka's stock clothing for anything, actually... She simply adores being in her Nightie and Ballet Slippers too much♥

[Image: Konomi_Tenka_4-4-24_RESIZE_50.png?width=...fit=bounds]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]

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RE: Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread... - by tasuke - 04-26-2024, 12:34 AM

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