There is a backstory behind Dragon Games Darling Charming and her chainsaw... not to mention a unicycle.
The idea for Darling riding a unicycle while carrying a chainsaw emerged in 2016 when an Instagram contact of the time who was an amateur artist -- I don't even remember her name now, she's long gone from the platform -- was asking Instagram doll friends (#dollstagram) for ideas for doll pictures to draw. A little bit of back-and-forth in the comments resulted in "An Ever After High Doll riding a unicycle and carrying a chainsaw."
I don't remember if she ever drew the picture, but I found the idea so amusing that I worked it in to my then-running Bratz doll photostory.
Darling Charming has been armed with a chainsaw ever since.
7 June - A Doll A Day 2024:
The idea for Darling riding a unicycle while carrying a chainsaw emerged in 2016 when an Instagram contact of the time who was an amateur artist -- I don't even remember her name now, she's long gone from the platform -- was asking Instagram doll friends (#dollstagram) for ideas for doll pictures to draw. A little bit of back-and-forth in the comments resulted in "An Ever After High Doll riding a unicycle and carrying a chainsaw."
I don't remember if she ever drew the picture, but I found the idea so amusing that I worked it in to my then-running Bratz doll photostory.
Darling Charming has been armed with a chainsaw ever since.
7 June - A Doll A Day 2024:
Maxie Hosts a Meeting of the Alphabet Club
Yes, there's a "backstory" to The Alphabet Club, too.
Yes, there's a "backstory" to The Alphabet Club, too.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!