Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new July 7)
Thanks  smile
I do have some sort-of-piratey boots for my costume, although they're grey and rather "nice"  LOL
They even added scuffs to the toes of her boots, so, unlike certain minis who always seem to need their toes touched up, I won't have to worry about that with hers.
I've "lost" (mostly temporarily) bits & pieces, and gone out in the yard in the dark to look for left-behind stands, and there was the time when a mini stand was awash with incoming tide when I miraculously spotted the black stand on the grey sand... and then there was Aloalo's adventure in Hawai'i, and then there are the freezing days and the bugs.  So yeah, I occasionally say "doll photography is not for sissies."  LOL


Sofia arrived in November so it was no good for pictures on the beach through the winter, and then I haven't got round to taking her till finally today.  When you spend nearly an hour assembling bits & props & cleaning the camera sensor & getting motivated to finally go because it's lovely & sunny... and then the fog line is a km down the road and -- no nice evening light.  And the tide was too far out to unpack the model boat.  Oh well.  Guess I will have to try another time.  It was nice to concentrate on photos like I used to though, and be away from my house for a while.  Getting absorbed in photography has always made the rest of the world disappear for a while.  I wish it lasted longer.

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I find the flexibility one gets from yoga is often helpful when taking pictures... like this time, sprawled over the side of a rock outcrop to get the angle.

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Making do with puddles cos the tide is too far out.

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I was hoping for shiny treasure in the evening sun.  Next time maybe.

Thanks for looking!
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RE: Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new July 7) - by Alliecat - 07-08-2024, 04:33 PM

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