Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new July 7)
Tide pools!
Mysterious misty fog!
The strange squishy silence of a low tide!
Crannies among the rocks!
And no people anywhere to be seen!

These pictures have me missing the too-perfect-to-be-real coastlines of my youth! When I was a kid, we did "family trips to the coast" two or three times a year. The best of those times were when we stayed in "the cabin," an oceanfront cabin owned by friends of my parents... back when "cabin" actually meant "a cabin," small and rustic with eksposed 2x4 wall joists and a wood stove, before the millionaire mansions and resort hotels had been built, when it was possible to walk down the beach and be surrounded by nothing but fog and driftwood and the surf and the sand.

It's all built up along there now. I don't know how the marshlands and forest got turned over to developers, but it did.

This action figure is amazingly awesome! Your posing is superb, and the setting is priceless.

I look at these pictures and I'm visualizing the challenge of doing up all those straps and buckles... and then hoping things don't break or fall off while setting up a picture.

How do you keep the hair from getting all frizzy while doing multiple outdoor shots? The hair of all my dolls goes "insta-frizz" no matter what I do to it.

I love that pic of Cap'n Sofia standing in the nook among the rocks, the damp sand at her feet looking like the surf could roll back in at any moment. It reminds me of eksploring among the crannies beneath the Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new July 7) - by davidd - 07-09-2024, 03:47 AM

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