08-23-2024, 01:24 PM
(08-23-2024, 12:59 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Um, OK.
Guess I'm not up on my urban legends, and I don't really do Instagram, so I'll take your word for it!
Okay, so... Problematic Issue No. 1 is that I sometimes dabble on Instagram, I'm on Flickr, and I'm a member of a number of forums. As a result, my small assortment of regular contacts is widely dispersed. Thus, references, replies, and "inside jokes" usually do not translate well from one online venue to another. Yesterday's picture is a case in point: it is a very specific reference to a specific post by one of my Instagram contacts in which she, in response to a tongue-in-cheek question, responded with a fairly lengthy fictional account of her professional background as a Disney World secret agent working for an organization called E.A.R.S.
Problematic Issue No. 2: urban legends are often pretty obscure. The figure with the sideburns here is modeled after screen actor Kurt Russell. A semi-but-not-entirely-true urban legend is that Walt Disney's last words were: "Kurt Russell." This is semi-true in that, while the actor's name was not among Walt's last spoken words, it was on one of the last memos that Walt Disney wrote, spelled as "Kirt Russell." The other figure is modeled after screen actor George Clooney, who starred in a time travel movie about Disneyland called Tomorrowland which involved a lot of fictional conspiracy theories as well as time travel and obscure pop-culture factoids. I thought it would be amusing (to me) to have the time traveller and the aged Russell mention the rumor.
I would give up on Instagram myself if I didn't have two or three contacts on their who are in to making really obscure references and chasing trivial factoids down circuitous rabbit-holes to make outlandish but plausible connections... and who are really funny.
I'd give up on a lot of forums and online haunts if I didn't have connections like that. I do not follow a lot of people nor do I have very many followers, but I have one or two or three people who keep me coming back to a number of online venues. It'd be so much more convenient if everybody were in one place, but different people have different online preferences.
Anyway... "Kirt Russell" are Walt Disney's "legendary" last words.
22 August - A Doll A Day 2024:
I'm okay... just tired.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!