08-31-2024, 09:57 AM
(08-29-2024, 03:19 PM)Alliecat Wrote: As someone with a sleep disorder and currently completely f***ed up schedule, my first thought was that the photo looked appropriate for the "forbidden zone".
Perhaps you should invest in a canopy bed draped in privacy netting to create the proper mood for restful slumber.
I've read various articles about sleep over the years. I found the approach attributed to Thomas Edison to be interesting. Some sources say Edison slept only 4 hours per night on average, and sprinkled a few "cat naps" of 20 to 40 minutes throughout the day, and as a result he was highly productive and endlessly energetic. I recall an article (I cannot find it now) in which an author claimed to have followed Edison's formula and it worked; it worked so well that he ended up going back to a regular sleep schedule because he claimed he "ran out of things to do."
I've also read articles about "the wee hours of the morning," and how in earlier eras it was common to go to sleep relatively early, but then to wake up in the hours between midnight and 3am or 4am and use that time in productive ways: creating, painting, reading, studying, whatever one does that is creative or productive. Then one would go back to sleep for another two or three hours.
When I do not get enough sleep I am cranky, grumpy, and unproductive.
So... I dunno.
29 August - A Doll A Day 2024:
Trivia affixes new date tags to a license plate.
30 August - A Doll A Day 2024:
Preliminary Prep Work
Janie and Triv take preliminary measurements for a potentially ginormous task; the first and least ginormous of several possible tasks Janie is optimistically intending to accomplish before the snow flies.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!