19 Septembarrrr - A Doll A Day 2024:
Rather than looting and pillaging, Janie and Triv spent Talk Like a Pirate Day assembling a wheelb-arrrr-ow.
20 September - A Doll A Day 2024:
Rather than looting and pillaging, Janie and Triv spent Talk Like a Pirate Day assembling a wheelb-arrrr-ow.
This oughta be easy enough!
Mini Hands make Smart Work!
Washers, cotter pins, and axle grease, oh my! That's gen-yoo-wine gooey sticky axle grease and
gen-yoo-wine semi-ex-pensive fashion dolls, because Smart Dolls rock so that's how they roll.
All Done! Yay! Errr... weigh anchor, we sail... or roll... with the tide!
20 September - A Doll A Day 2024:
After the old planks have been pulled up, Triv (Smart Doll Symphony)
saws off bent, rusty screw heads during the deck rebuild project.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!