Mayoko - Little Fry Cook (IMOMODOLL, 2023/2024)
[Image: df809e33-3d3b-4e8a-8f84-d67e95227505.png]

I Had one of these as a young boy in the mid/late-Eighties, (A Blondie, no less!!)
and i figured it was high time to get another one... for the express purpose of fitting the Spacesuit to my new, perfected Yuna~

[Image: c9f637de-e4b2-4ae7-9dc3-4e8e9a689743.png]

Cannot Say with 100% certainty that it will fit her without some minor modification...
but we will be finding out soon enough~

[Image: d0aa851f-571d-405c-a2f7-f91d70b72ad2.png]

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RE: Mayoko - Little Fry Cook (IMOMODOLL, 2023/2024) - by tasuke - 12-02-2024, 01:10 AM

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