4 January - A Doll A Day 2024:
Former pirate Beverly Blood-Thunder retired from life at sea to become a permanent Cuban Rebel Girl. The figure pictured here was previously an incarnation of Royal Kadath Society character Ellie Fields, but as Ellie was replaced by a more accurate head sculpt, the former Miss Fields has stepped in to fill the vacancy in the pirate crew, adopting the name Bethany Blood-Thunder in acknowledgement of her predecessor.
I'm not sure if Dread Pirate Blood-Thunder's body is a Jiaoudoll 10E or a TBLeague 12D. Her head is an unidentified eBay find, and the costume is largely from a Barbie Halloween set.
I apologize for the slightly awkward posing. She really deserves better. I was paying more attention to getting the figure to stand on its own than I was in achieving a natural-appearing pose. I should have used a prop stick. Oh well, maybe I'll do better next time. Or maybe I'll re-do this pic tomorrow. I've put everything away so I'm not gonna re-do it now.
Dread Pirate Bethany Blood-Thunder
Former pirate Beverly Blood-Thunder retired from life at sea to become a permanent Cuban Rebel Girl. The figure pictured here was previously an incarnation of Royal Kadath Society character Ellie Fields, but as Ellie was replaced by a more accurate head sculpt, the former Miss Fields has stepped in to fill the vacancy in the pirate crew, adopting the name Bethany Blood-Thunder in acknowledgement of her predecessor.
I'm not sure if Dread Pirate Blood-Thunder's body is a Jiaoudoll 10E or a TBLeague 12D. Her head is an unidentified eBay find, and the costume is largely from a Barbie Halloween set.
I apologize for the slightly awkward posing. She really deserves better. I was paying more attention to getting the figure to stand on its own than I was in achieving a natural-appearing pose. I should have used a prop stick. Oh well, maybe I'll do better next time. Or maybe I'll re-do this pic tomorrow. I've put everything away so I'm not gonna re-do it now.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!