Merri-Gold is here! (KiraKira's first Blythe)
She is so awesome, yay! I just love your group shots! Their heads are massive the first time you see them in person, aren't they? LOL
~*My Dolly Flickr*~ **Kawaii Kandy**

My Girls: Kirsche, Xiao Fan, Papin and Prunella grin
My (Don't I Wish!) Dream Girl: Haute NY

Messages In This Thread
RE: Merri-Gold is here! (KiraKira's first Blythe) - by abbiebella - 11-12-2012, 11:31 AM
RE: Merri-Gold is here! (KiraKira's first Blythe) - by Mag - 11-13-2012, 11:20 PM

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