Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
This is the best (and most amusing) description of a Novi Stars figure I have ever read, and a perfect description of Vera!

The photo is quite beautiful, too; my preference is for the middle one.

For a long time, Novi Stars Vera was the most ex•pensive doll I had ever purchased. When I saw her I had to have her, and that required ordering online from Europe. If she was released at all in the U.S. it was on a very limited basis.

For all the reasons you cite, I consider Vera to be the single best Novi Stars release. Her total weirdness is totally wonderful.

(Thank you for the ALT codes. Unfortunately... and it is rare that I use the term "unfortunately" when comparing Mac to Windows... I am using a Mac, and the Option key works slightly differently than the Alt function. So I can type a superscript ª, but not superscript numbers.  slash)
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by davidd - 05-09-2019, 05:23 AM

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