PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2019* (#.....52!! Dec. 24)
Yep, it was definitely a tearful ex.perience.

We interrupt the pic-a-week for a public service announcement.
From the S*** No One Will Tell You Till It's Too Late File.
I don't know about tax regulations in other countries, and most of you aren't in Canada... but here at least, if you have an insurance policy on your child, you need to transfer it to your child or intended beneficiary before you die, assuming you have time to do so, OR, at least, investigate options for naming the child/beneficiary as a joint owner.  Otherwise, when you die, you/your estate will be socked for the value of the policy as a taxable gain.  This may kick you into a higher tax bracket & result in an apocalyptic tax bill.  
It's imaginary 'income' that neither you nor your insured child will see a dollar of, but you will pay tax on it.
Don't assume you're immune cos you're not in Canada.  Find out what the rules are for your own country/policy!
(Just warning everyone I know...)

back to our regularly scheduled programming

The J-Dolls haven't been getting anywhere near the photo time they should.   Part of the problem is them being in the back of the cabinet and less likely to catch my eye at photo time.  I need a doll cabinet (and a place to put it).  So I made an effort this week, & Sunny got to represent her sisters at the beach.

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2019* (#15, Apr. 13) - by Alliecat - 04-14-2019, 11:34 AM

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