PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2019* (#.....52!! Dec. 24)
I had an idea for who should be in the next night-sky pic, but, there's a moon, so will have to wait on that idea for a bit.
Super-early for pic-a-week this week!  With ridiculous timing for the "flowers" challenge, yesterday my butterfly-gardening neighbour brought me some caterpillars & a few chrysalises to babysit while she goes on a trip, along with her birthday flowers that she didn't want to throw out yet.  It's a lovely bouquet so I'm having fun with it.
Here's Rachel with the first hatchling of the year.  This was the only shot I got.  I jostled the box carrying it out & the butterfly started flapping.  I should've put her somewhere cool & dark to settle down before trying to take pictures, but, I had a lot else to do & was impatient.  So after one click, she was gone.

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2019* (#33, Aug. 12) - by Alliecat - 08-13-2019, 01:45 PM

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