Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(05-18-2020, 10:44 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: I love that Dr Who quote, it's one of my 3 favourites!
The others are:  Sleep?  Sleep is for tortoises! (4th Dr to Leela in Talons of Weng-Chiang)
And: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority. (2nd Dr to Zoe in The Wheel in Space).

Hunter's release was great - his outfit is so cool, especially the hooded-vest-jacket-thingy.  And his boots!

Doctor Who has so many great quotes - well, you would hope so after nearly 60 years of being a thing! 

I keep thinking I should buy a spare of Hunter's stock because it is brilliant. 

(05-18-2020, 11:13 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: EAH boy dolls never really caught my fancy (their smiles look a little too brainless to me), but I always liked the characters. It was the same with MH boys. Hunter is cool. I always liked how he's clumsy and adorkable, but also reliable and honest has something he's good at.

I really liked Sparrow's design in the webisodes, and wished they made a doll, but then they released Daring, The Prince of Plastic Everything and I wished for Sparrow no more...

Sparrow would have been one of my top choices for a release and with his hairstyle - as much as I would have preferred otherwise - the plastic hair would have worked. Daring was just... disappointing in so many ways. 

(05-19-2020, 02:35 AM)davidd Wrote: That large, deep hood has a Jedi look about it. Now I want to see Hunter posed with a light sabre.

I'll look around for the right one to pose with him. 

(05-19-2020, 08:10 AM)Elfy Wrote: Nice to see an EAH boy, they never get much love.

I think a lot of it comes down to the boys just not having as dynamic designs as the girls. Alistair is one of the ones who jumps to mind - design in the web-series was fun, in the doll it was bland. 

(05-19-2020, 04:41 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I wonder if a Magic Eraser would work on his stain?
My favourite quote along those lines is George Bernard Shaw, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

Ooh, now there's a thought. I might need to try to get one, but it's a thought! 

And that's a great quote as well! 

- - - 

140. I is for Interest

[Image: 69821036_044f6d881ac51a86ba0252e53bc4d72d_standard.jpg]

There's a newcomer in the Room that seems to have caught Monday's eye...

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 05-19-2020, 09:49 PM

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