May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt
#1. A ____, a ____, my kingdom for a _____.

[Image: mayhunt1.jpg]
Pocket camera, pocket notebook, and pocket knife

I cannot stand to go anywhere without these three items. While many people carry their camera-equipped mobile phones everywhere, I still prefer to carry an actual camera, and when I'm headed out the door I am more likely to grab the camera than I am a phone. This Panasonic Lumix water resistant, shock resistant camera is my favorite camera that I've ever owned and I rarely venture anywhere without it. Similarly, I still prefer to write things down on paper when I need to make notes, not type things in to a microscopic keypad. On the rare occasions when I forget to put a notebook in my pocket I feel "thrown off" for the entire day. A Swiss Army Knife is another essential tool without which I feel completely at a loss. I cannot count the times per day I use those miniature folding scissors or the screwdriver. Triv (Smart Doll Symphony) concurs with being well equipped, although she recommends adding a pocket lighter or at least a book of matches to the every day carry kit.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt - by davidd - 05-09-2020, 02:54 PM

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