XP Joke
I worked hard on her, I hope I didn't go too overboard Sweatdrop

[Image: 4549425346_2cb45960cb.jpg]

[Image: 4549439678_070bbaa76b.jpg]

Many people are scared for the sake of this doll so I would just like to say LATE APRIL FOOLS! The paint is removable, easily removable!

My best friends birthday is May 5th and I wanted to prank her by screwing up a dolly and telling her that it was her gift. She spazzed and I had a great laugh so I decided to try and put it here too. The paint is removeable and not sealed. Someone decided to ask me to buy it for $155 and I wasn't about to say no to that.

[Image: 4411431791_d1aa67b3b7_o.png]

OMG whats that?? you are kidding...arent you??
oh my.Seems you had fun with the acrylics ^^ What character will she be?
Perhaps just a little bit overboard... Sweatdrop
yea, seems a bit overboard to me as well hehe
It's removable XP I was just messing around XD
I was going to make her an evil witch XP

[Image: 4411431791_d1aa67b3b7_o.png]

okay so this isnt her final look then? - this is the first post in a long time to make my mouth drop Oh My
Maybe a bit too much paint...

Please, if you deal with me, leave feedback!
XP I was just messing around, she isn't even my first customization! I just wanted to give you guys a good scare XD

[Image: 4411431791_d1aa67b3b7_o.png]

that worked really good!!!
Just wondering, you said you're 13? What did your parents say about that doll? Did you tell them it's removable? I wonder what plans this person has for the doll?

Please, if you deal with me, leave feedback!
Cici, I really think you shouldn't be talking about "what did your parents think"

You're the fifth grader that *ruined* a doll too.
also buy my dolls
hey come on - this is a *friendly* forum - lets be nice now
What is rude about that? WHY IS EVERYTHING I SAY RUDE? When I say "What did your parents think" I mean, "Did they fall for it, or did you tell them what you were doing" I feel like you're being way more mean that I am, if I a being rude at all. SceneNeko said she wasn't serious, but I was. So it's pretty rude of you to say that. Have you ever customized anything? If you haven't, your the person who shouldn't be talking.

Soshi Wrote:I'm sorry but I can't take it any longer. It bugs me so much how on SceneNeko's thread you put "a little too much paint" or something. She gets that. But you shouldn't of put that because your custom... A LITTLE TOO MUCH. It's really rude to tell somebody their custom isn't pretty when yours looks like a tranny. God.

I was trying to do a good job, and you just tell what I did sucked.
Hmmm... Sounds pretty rude to me!

Scene Neko was "just playing around" and apparently it's removable. Even more, it was a JOKE! She wasn't serious. Another thing, I did not tell her it wasn't pretty, anyways, some people said "You're joking right, please tell me you're joking!" That definitly implies they think it isn't pretty.

It's never okay to tell someone that they did a crappy job on something they worked hard on, even if you can do a way better job. So I'm sorry. I am. But that doesn't matter because it was a joke, which means I don't have anything to apologize for.

Please, if you deal with me, leave feedback!
What happened to the pics?

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