Lots of pics! New girl, photoshoots, and dollie meet.
This is my newest girl Melanie, I love her to bits! Her wig is a beautiful color, I'm a fan of purple, but the quality isn't so great, so I might rewig in the future.

[Image: dolls001.jpg]
Obligatory in box shot grin

[Image: dolls002.jpg]
And her stock, I love it!

[Image: dolls016.jpg]
Heart 2 She rather wear the skirt as a dress though, I have a feeling she'll be in it a long time ^^;

[Image: dolls018.jpg]
Melanie and Aren, my suigintou, became friends pretty fast.

[Image: dolls021.jpg]
And of course Aren stole her second outfit, but Melanie doesn't mind Tongue

[Image: dolls023.jpg]
Sharon (China China) and Kara ( Assa) always seem to be together, and rather cuddly. <3

[Image: dolls027.jpg]

[Image: dolls032.jpg]

[Image: dolls033.jpg]

[Image: dolls035.jpg]
Miyu (Jupi) and Emi (Sui) don't get along too well though Cry

[Image: dolls038.jpg]
Current family shot!

These shots are from some weeks ago when I went to Midnight_Malice's house for a dollie meet. Her bjd is gorgeous! First time I see one in person grin
[Image: dollies003.jpg]

[Image: dollies001.jpg]

[Image: dollies004.jpg]

And these pictures are from a dollie meet at my house today with Midnight_Malice and her daughter yay

[Image: dolls008.jpg]

[Image: dolls009.jpg]

[Image: dolls007.jpg]

x-posted at PS

Thanks for looking!
So Unseelie. Get yours at bighugelabs.com
You've both got some gorgeous girls smile Your new girl is lovely, her sunglasses are ace!

So Unseelie. Get yours at bighugelabs.com
all lovely photos smile

I laughed at the way Miyu & Emi are always keeping an eye on each other wink
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
hehe, thanks smile
So Unseelie. Get yours at bighugelabs.com
Your new celsiy is adorable! I love all your girls though, they are all very cute!

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