Aponae and Eihmer
I got these two girls for Christmas, from my parents. I was so embarrassed, I told them one would have been enough. I can't get over how stunning these girls are in person! Especially Mir. Though it did take me a good while to work out what all the bits and pieces of her costume were for.

Eihmer still has her plastic on because I haven't had a moment to colourfast her top. Just pretend you can't see it? XD And excuse how weird Aponae looks. It was so bright, today, her face kept washing out.

Aponae (so named after the villainous, murdering faery in my series, Guardia. Cheeva's adoptive "mother" and all around evil trickster.)





Eihmer Olleach (Cousin and sometimes guardian to Tari Laird, from my novel Clockwork Heart.)



[Image: siggy.jpg]
Cheeva (Chill), Kered (Arion), Aponae (Mir), Aalis(Naah-ato), Ptolemy(ASR), Yhi(Unknown), Zhori(Kirsche), Romulus(Gyro), Tari(Uncanricky), Ehimer(Craziia), Rue(Zuora), Rapunzel(Wind), Lily(Latte), Tamara(Nero)
Congrats ♥ they are both beautiful!!

Too bad I couldn't guess any of them XD
Own: My Melody, Cornice, Haute NY, Prunella, Veritas, Shinku, Paja, Mercu, Oren, Chill, Cinciallegra, Zuora, Rida, Principessa, Anne Shirley, Elisabeth, Angry, Magical Pink, Monomono, Clair

My Flickr

Congrats! Mir is just... well she is special. One of the best releases of all time IMHO! (But I guess I'm biased, I do have her as my avatar after all XD) And I love Craziia's eye brows, gives her such strength of character!! Your parents chose well Heart
Congrats on your new dolls! I agree, they were great choices. smile
Congrats on the new dolls! They are both very beautiful. smile
[Image: g9ZK.png] [Image: g90Q.png] [Image: g90E.png]
ooooh! I wasn't expecting Mir! If it was my mum, she'd have steered away from anything 'dark' lol! But wow, awesome choices! Especially Mir, she's a stunning looking doll.

congrats sweety smile They are both such beautiful dolls ! I have Mir and I honestly believe that she and Pru are the 2 most flat out gorgeous of them all. And Craziia is not only a lovely girl with stunning eyes, but she is so easily customised --so I am told by those with talent, anyways wink

PS - you're writing a novel called Clockwork Heart? I recently read a novel by that name and it was excellent, you don't have a pen name do ya ? wink
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
NectarineFire - Mir is so stunning in person. She was always a doll I looked at on PS and liked but didn't think I'd buy her for myself. But, in person...I can't believe I ever thought that. Seriously, hats off to whoever designed her, she is really the most stunning stock doll I've bought.

Lilycurly - lol My Mum is used to me and my crazy Steampunk ways so she probably thought Mir/Aponae was a great, kooky choice. Which she was <3

Miss Edith - Aww, thank you! *hugs* They're both gorgeous ^^ And, lol, no that wouldn't be me XD I have been toying with a pen name but none as such yet. Clockwork Heart is just a working title for the moment, for Tari and Rom's novel, so my friend and I know which book we're talking about. I'm still toying with some other ones ^^
[Image: siggy.jpg]
Cheeva (Chill), Kered (Arion), Aponae (Mir), Aalis(Naah-ato), Ptolemy(ASR), Yhi(Unknown), Zhori(Kirsche), Romulus(Gyro), Tari(Uncanricky), Ehimer(Craziia), Rue(Zuora), Rapunzel(Wind), Lily(Latte), Tamara(Nero)
LOL it was such a coincidence - the CH I read was steampunk too LOL

Anyway, back to waiting for more piccies of your gorgeous gang !
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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