Sophia's arrival (pic heavy)
So after hassle with custom forms Sophia is finally here, thank you noxx7 Happy
[Image: 009-6.jpg]
Ooo there's a box Innocent

[Image: 010-4.jpg]
Alexis: Oooo Oooo whats in here
Amira : (facepalms) get down from there

[Image: 012-Copy.jpg]
Wesley: Lets open it up
Alexis: Come on hurry up tt

[Image: 014-3.jpg]
Alexis: Oooo whats in here

[Image: 015-2.jpg]
Alexis: Must drag it out.......

[Image: 017-3.jpg]
Alexis: What whhhhhhy, why am I being outnumbered here

[Image: 018-4.jpg]
Amira: Stop moaning Alexis and start helping
Chelsea: UGH Wesley you're heavy

[Image: 019-4.jpg]
Sophia: So this is what England looks like Happy

Hope you enjoyed
Yay for more Pullips in the UK XD Your whole family is so cuuuuuuute! <3

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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She is so cute!!!

Your Sophia and my Sophia look alike.
Yay! She's gorgeous, congrats on your new girl smile

That made me giggle!
Tee hee! i love this ! I'm glad she's fitting in with ur family ^^

-BJDs : LM Harmony Chloe, Soom Galena, OR-doll Eris, Souldoll Madalyn, BC Bellezza Carla, La Légende de Temps Edria, nDoll Lovers Ver Yuko, Spiritdoll Blanc White Queen Heart Heart

-My flickr
Ohhhh soo cutegrin Congratzgrin
My GirlsUdatedpullips2
Hehe so cute! ^^ I love her hair!
Thanks guys yay
@Chihiro, yes we need more pullips and pullip related stuff in the UK smile
@Cartagia, thats her stock wig =o
Yay, congrats!
Congrats on your newest dolly LOL
My dolls:Samara (Sfoglia), Mara (Custom), Corey (Seiran), Shizu (Yuki), Anomaly (Lunatic Alice), Aiden (Naomi), Sadie (Zuora),
Crimson (Lunatic Queen), Amalia (Elisabeth), Bloody Mary (Mir), Lana (Eos), Jareth (Sebastian), Dante (Butler), Tarja (Tiphona), Cassidy (Jaldet), Elliott (Naomi), Snookie (Chelsea), Lazulie (Another Alice), Silence (Regen Noir)
Oh ! I love Sophia <3

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