My second Pullip <3 (Pic-fic kind of)
I got my very second Pullip, and she is a Clarity. I just /love/ her faceup, and her outfit is wonderful. Plus my family is really into watching the Kentucky Derby, and she just happened to arrive today, with the perfect hat.

Her hair wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it's already going fly-away.
Annnd I've always wanted to do a pic-fic, but I just "sort of" did one, as I did it right after opening her box, and there isn't much of anything "interesting" going on.

My room is /very/ dark, even in the daytime.

[Image: 2my2p3d.jpg]
Clarity: Hellllooo~ I'm hoooome~

[Image: 2j0gvww.jpg]
Tomoka: Psh, another Pullip..typical!
Morgan: So this is Raven's sister..
Raven: Oh God.

[Image: 11lj51w.jpg]
Clarity: Raven~! How about giving your older sister a hug?
Raven: I'd really rather not..

[Image: 281eno1.jpg]
Clarity: Fine then, why don't you introduce me to these young ladies? *strolls over*

[Image: v8pzip.jpg]
Morgan: Hi, I'm Morgan, it's a pleasure to meet you.

[Image: mj2urk.jpg]
Tomoka: And I am Tomoka, you're superior, I was here before ANY of the Jun Planning family!

[Image: 2m2yhzc.jpg]
Clarity: Oh my goodness! Y-your head! It's about the same size as your body! A-are you deformed?
Raven: *totally saw this coming*

[Image: 1zclc0l.jpg]
Tomoka: ...I hate Pullips.

[Image: 34ywtp2.jpg]
Raven: Errr, so..what's up with that hair?

[Image: idf714.jpg]
Clarity: Oh, I know. *sigh* Mom ordered a wig for me, but it has to travel from Hong Kong so it might take a while to get here.

[Image: 2krla1.jpg]
Clarity: ...What's YOUR excuse? *stares at his outfit*

[Image: 2welyye.jpg]
Raven: Excuse for what? straight

[Image: jinjg9.jpg]
Clarity: Nevermind. ^^

I hope you liked it! If you couldn't tell the hat fell off in some of the pics and I forgot to put it back on. xD

I'm just calling her Clarity for now, but a name will come to me sooner or later. Suggestions are welcome and comments are love. <3
I like you little fic! I only have one doll, so I haven't done any myself. I also like Clarity's hair, it pretty! And I totally hadn't noticed the hat, haha!
She is so pretty!!! And your picfic is very nicely done!!

Congrats on getting your new girl!!!
Thank you both so much! <3

I have to admit, I rather like Clarity's hair much more than I thought I would.
I am still afraid it's going to get messy and out of control very fast though. :/
Hahah. XD I love their interactions - just like siblings, eh?

Poor Tomoka and her tiny, proportional head. X3
I enjoyed your pic-fic, I think it's funny! I love the deformed head comment :p !

this made me giggle, 'are you deformed' hehe
At Home*Kira (Akoya),____Kayleigh (Full custom by Myufish)____Kara (Kirsche)*
Very cute.
Have: [Image: mod_article37904205_4f256bc6974de.gif][Image: images.jpg][Image: Lipoca.gif][Image: lizbel10.png][Image: Butler.gif][Image: images-1.jpg][Image: LittleAssa.gif][Image: LittleFroggy.gif]
Want:[Image: Sacajawea.gif]
Grail:[Image: Principessa.gif]
Thanks all! <3

And yes, poor Tomoka and her strangely abnormal, normal sized head. xD
Congrats on your new girl! Cute photo story, it flowed very nicely!
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congrat!! enjoy your clarity
It was lovely; I think you did a great job on your pic-fic. Grats on your new girl. grin
Congrats on getting your new girl!!! She is so pretty!!!

SyVa - Muebles d diseƱo para pullips
Luna (Zuora), Sayuri (Youtsuzu), Anais (Nero), Ninette (Greggia),Sherezade (Another queen), Yuki (Yuki movie version), Miku (Snow Miku), Scarlett (Lunatic queen), Nephele (Eos), Alma (Catwoman)
Wishlist: Mir, Akoya, Bloody Red Hood, Grell

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