Feedback for N0xx7
+2 for participating in the Luts and Leeke GOs! Always a pleasure! Thank you! smile
The Crew: Celsiy/Lizzie ~*~ Rida/Misa-chan ~*~ Veritas/Imogen ~*~ Barasuishou/Pinx ~*~ Souseiseki/Cassie ~*~ Raphia/Isolde ~*~ Greggia/Serenity ~*~ Bouquet/Aries Spark ~*~ Neo Noir/Morghan ~*~ Clarity/Annabell ~*~ Crazzia/Bridgett ~*~ Mir/Rhiannon ~*~ Kirsche/Juju ~*~ Suigintou/Jersie ~*~ My Melody/Payton ~*~ Shinku/Scarlett ~*~ Solarsenshi custom/Yuki ~*~ Shan-ria/Claire ~*~ Jolie/Millie ~*~ Fiori/Zoe ~*~ Hanaayame/Chloe ~*~ Colline/Abbie ~*~ Sakura/Molly ~*~ Milch/Sadie ~*~ Lizbel/Marianne ~*~ Cocette/Peachie ~*~ Seiran/Renji ~*~ Jade/Gryphon ~*~ Richt/Nova ~*~ Timulus/Felix ~*~ Arion/Aidan ~*~ Andrew/Usui ~*~ Tina/Kit ~*~ Kotoya/Saya ~*~ Apollo/Oliver ~*~ Hermine/Felicity ~*~ Sfoglia/Taffie ~*~ Melize/Buttercup ~*~ Ra Muw/Penelope ~*~

BJDs: Hujoos/Jinkie & Spice ~*~ Felix Brownie/Clover ~*~ BBB Elfkins/Ella & Belle ~*~ BBB Mei/Juniper ~*~ DZ Shoyu/Ramie ~*~ DZ Megi/Duncan ~*~ 5SD Tong Tong/Piper ~*~ DL Dang Dang/Emma ~*~ DL Ding Ding/Allie ~*~ DL Fay/Rin ~*~ DL Mic/Oscar ~*~ DollLeeke D Pumpkin/Adelaide ~*~ DollFactory Pepe Panda/Kale ~*~ Bambicrony Ozzy's Kumi/Ceciliy ~*~ Luts Honey Delf Coco/Marianne ~*~ Dollzone Leo/Puck ~*~ Leeke Kiel Ent/Fern ~*~ Leeke Soda Ent/Acorn ~*~ Pipos Heero ~*~ Pipos Demon/Duke ~*~ Pipos/Charlotte ~*~ SOOM Argil/Sparrow ~*~ SOOM Sov/Token ~*~ SOOM Beyla/Ember ~*~ Leeke Peanut ~*~

Waiting: Pipos Derek ~*~ Iplehouse Serca ~*~ Leeke Happy Entaur

Wanting: FL LF Ante
+1 smile The doll was packaged wonderfully as was the chair! <3 And everything arrived quickly.
~*Jen/Emi*~ - Feedback
Another fabulous transaction with N0xx7! I adopted her gorgeous Lan Ai and everything went super smooth and she arrived safe and sound! Thanks Ari!! <3
+1 as a seller again grin

I adopted Cornice, she arrived looking gorgeous and bringing extras for moi. Ari is always a joy to deal with smile
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Purchased a wig from N0xx7! It arrived quickly and communication was fast a friendly! A pleasure to deal with!
+1 as a seller for 2 gorgeous wigs. pleasure to deal with. thank you Special 2
{Home} Principessa - Noir - R.Noir - Neo Noir - Barasuishou x 2 - My Melody - Prunella - Milch - Fanatica - Seila - BRH - Nina - Pinocchio - Kanta - Tiger Lily - Mami Tomoe - Madoka Kaname - Alte - Hatsune Miku - Nahh-ato
Youtsuzu - Tina - ChinaChina - Carol - Pere Noel - Marie Antoinette - Bremen Cat - MIO
Volks: DD Miko & Yukino - MDD DWC01 - Sara - Saki - F-45 - F-48 // Fairyland: F60 Chloe - Rin - Scarlett ~ MNF Soo - Rheia - Celine - Elf Rin - Mio ~ PKF Rin  // Bambicrony:  Marion - Charity // Luts: Vampire Chiwoo // Doll Factory: Conie Unicorn // Latidoll: Lea // Alchemic Labo: Unoa Lusis // Doll In Mind: Larina - Bellosse // Peak's Woods: Sassy Rosy //  Crobidoll: Marisol //  Lillycat: Ninon //
Supiadoll: Ariel // Soom: Ior - Picro - Leepy // Atelier Momoni: Momonita // Shoushou: Nico // Petit Soiree: Madeleine // KanaDoll: Ribbon  // {Waiting} ~Volks Lieselotte ~
+1, love the wigs, thanks so much!
+1 as a seller. Bought Yuki head and stock from her ^^ She gave me some extras, too!
[Image: DM-signature_zpstjcicspl.jpg]

N0xx7 is a wonderful seller, she's very quick and SO kind and a pleasure to deal with! Highly recommended!
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Keep Moving Forward
+1 for participating in another Leeke GO! Thank you!!! smile
The Crew: Celsiy/Lizzie ~*~ Rida/Misa-chan ~*~ Veritas/Imogen ~*~ Barasuishou/Pinx ~*~ Souseiseki/Cassie ~*~ Raphia/Isolde ~*~ Greggia/Serenity ~*~ Bouquet/Aries Spark ~*~ Neo Noir/Morghan ~*~ Clarity/Annabell ~*~ Crazzia/Bridgett ~*~ Mir/Rhiannon ~*~ Kirsche/Juju ~*~ Suigintou/Jersie ~*~ My Melody/Payton ~*~ Shinku/Scarlett ~*~ Solarsenshi custom/Yuki ~*~ Shan-ria/Claire ~*~ Jolie/Millie ~*~ Fiori/Zoe ~*~ Hanaayame/Chloe ~*~ Colline/Abbie ~*~ Sakura/Molly ~*~ Milch/Sadie ~*~ Lizbel/Marianne ~*~ Cocette/Peachie ~*~ Seiran/Renji ~*~ Jade/Gryphon ~*~ Richt/Nova ~*~ Timulus/Felix ~*~ Arion/Aidan ~*~ Andrew/Usui ~*~ Tina/Kit ~*~ Kotoya/Saya ~*~ Apollo/Oliver ~*~ Hermine/Felicity ~*~ Sfoglia/Taffie ~*~ Melize/Buttercup ~*~ Ra Muw/Penelope ~*~

BJDs: Hujoos/Jinkie & Spice ~*~ Felix Brownie/Clover ~*~ BBB Elfkins/Ella & Belle ~*~ BBB Mei/Juniper ~*~ DZ Shoyu/Ramie ~*~ DZ Megi/Duncan ~*~ 5SD Tong Tong/Piper ~*~ DL Dang Dang/Emma ~*~ DL Ding Ding/Allie ~*~ DL Fay/Rin ~*~ DL Mic/Oscar ~*~ DollLeeke D Pumpkin/Adelaide ~*~ DollFactory Pepe Panda/Kale ~*~ Bambicrony Ozzy's Kumi/Ceciliy ~*~ Luts Honey Delf Coco/Marianne ~*~ Dollzone Leo/Puck ~*~ Leeke Kiel Ent/Fern ~*~ Leeke Soda Ent/Acorn ~*~ Pipos Heero ~*~ Pipos Demon/Duke ~*~ Pipos/Charlotte ~*~ SOOM Argil/Sparrow ~*~ SOOM Sov/Token ~*~ SOOM Beyla/Ember ~*~ Leeke Peanut ~*~

Waiting: Pipos Derek ~*~ Iplehouse Serca ~*~ Leeke Happy Entaur

Wanting: FL LF Ante
+1 as a seller, thanks for Onassis, I will take good care of her! She has already been on her first trip with me yay and no worries about shipping a little later than you expected, I understand how the holidays get. Thanks again!
Feedback!!My Flickr
If I forgot to leave you feedback, please let me know!

Eos : Delilah (Lunatic Queen) : Akoya : Onassis (Fiori) : Ayame (Sooni) : Berry (Hujoo Berry) : Monomono : Tragedy : Barley : Amelia : Eclipse

Shipping was delayed, but explained. Everything showed up in great condition, and very well packed.
+1 as a seller.

Everything arrived very good packaged and in perfect condition. Thanks!!
+1 as a seller!!

Another great transaction with N0xx7! I love everything you sent hun! Thanks so much!!!
+1 as a seller

aside from a delay in shipping (which was explained) everything was A++++. All the outfits are perfect and were very well packaged. Thankyou hun.
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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