:D So Happy, Got meh grails
(07-06-2013, 07:35 AM)LovelyPapin Wrote: It would be interesting if you ever redressed them. I don't think I've seen these two in different outfits before.

Doesn't Maaikeh have an HB1 Namu in her MIB picfic over at PullipFiction? I think his character is Afternoon's brother who recently showed up. Anyway, he still has his stock wig and faceup, but she has him in a different outfit.

(07-06-2013, 11:49 AM)kuanyin4 Wrote: Isn't it odd to see Pullip with her ex? They look awfully friendly! LOL


And, quick edit: I was searching for some photos of HB1 Namu just for fun, based on this thread, and I came across this adorable pic that I just had to share:

[Image: 969055_188641187961382_957920714_n.jpg]
Crispin-Taeyang Quarterly by Little Joni
(07-06-2013, 11:49 AM)kuanyin4 Wrote: You set quite the grails for yourself, I hardly ever see them available. Great job!

Isn't it odd to see Pullip with her ex? They look awfully friendly! LOL

Hah yes, I believe they did break up on good terms - they just went their separate ways as life pulled them in different directions as per HB2 I think.

Taeyang should keep an eye out LOL

I was thinking though, has Taeyang ever been packaged with Pullip? I know they have been in the same sets of course, but I mean actually together like with the HB sets? I can't think of an instance?

vadafade - That is a really cute picture! Like I said Taeyang better keep an eye out!
[Image: richestoresin.png]
See what I mean? - Namu is so much cuter with Pullip - I still ant believe that people didn't love him much as those of us on this thread 'cough'ME'cough'

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