davidd's A Doll A Day 2018
[Image: jan25.jpg]
January 25: "Nooooo! These paddle-hands are hideous! I want my Obitsu body back!"

In addition to getting her eyelashes repaired, Pullip Ludmila has reverted to a Type IV body for now, and she's not entirely happy about it. The only body available was a leftover from a long-gone Vocaloid Miku. Oh well, at least Miku's turquoise painted nails match Ludmila's eye shadow.

What is the deal with Pullip hands? They're awful, tiny, poorly detailed, flat little things that don't match well at all at the wrists. I would expect a doll that costs well over a hundred dollars to have halfway decent hands.

Monster High, particularly during their first few years, had remarkably detailed hands, and they were fifteen dollar playline dolls. In fact, when I need detailed hands in Pullip photos I sometimes substitute Monster High hands... like here.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
how did I miss your George the Pink? If she was purple I would be joining the club smile

Ludmilla is one of my all time fav Pullips. She is SO under rated, I adore her eclectic stock, her gorgeous face and that hair.

The blue mani does look pretty with her eye makeup.
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
I'M SO GLAD YOU BOUGHT GEORGE. <3 She looks great, even tucked into her box. xD

I love how everyone is so tempted by her. Everyone needs a George Washington Barbie. Come on guys. Let me start another movement.

Ludmila may be unlucky to have gotten put back on a Type 4, but those nails look great with her makeup and eyes! This photo is really cute!

Dude, if you think type 4 hands are bad, they aren't nearly as bad as type 3 hands....I want to cry even thinking about them.
like...why. Most of my dolls were originally on type 3s which is one of the many reasons most of them are on Obitsu bodies. LOL
(01-26-2018, 03:01 AM)DeadlyNova Wrote: Everyone needs a George Washington Barbie. Come on guys. Let me start another movement.

Dude, if you think type 4 hands are bad, they aren't nearly as bad as type 3 hands....I want to cry even thinking about them.

Oh, wow! Those Type 3 hands... well, they're so bad they make the Type 4 hands look good by comparison!

I am seriously tempted to begin assembling a George Washington Barbie army!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
The blue is pretty... I had to google Ludmila to refresh my memory, and recall that I liked her when I saw her before. Agree about the hands, and especially, as you say, for the price. The hands and other things, for the price... slash
... ooh, Monster High hands are interchangeable? or did you have to do some work on it? That looks great.

(01-25-2018, 10:56 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: how did I miss your George the Pink? If she was purple I would be joining the club smile
Could the coat be dyed, I wonder, without leaving doll-staining residue...??
If this was burgundy I'd be all over it. I think I need a burgundy/gold brocade dolly pirate jacket LOL

(01-25-2018, 02:36 PM)davidd Wrote: I can't wait to see PM Trudeau in your PTFCo Doll A Week photos!
Haaa! LOL I dunno... then people might think I had political leanings...
It's a not-bad likeness, I guess. I've debated in the past getting the J-Dolls a boyfriend, although having a guy in the crew would change the whole dynamic; it might be weird.
...hmm, but, Trudeau or Captain Harlock...?? XD LOL
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(01-26-2018, 11:49 AM)Alliecat Wrote: ... ooh, Monster High hands are interchangeable? or did you have to do some work on it?

The Monster High hands don't really fit well enough for display, just for brief photo use. The pegs are too small. They would need to be wrapped with tape to stay put.
Ever After High hands might be even nicer than Monster High hands, and there are probably more options there that would be a better color match for Pullip.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
(01-26-2018, 03:01 AM)DeadlyNova Wrote: I'M SO GLAD YOU BOUGHT GEORGE. <3 She looks great, even tucked into her box. xD

I love how everyone is so tempted by her. Everyone needs a George Washington Barbie. Come on guys. Let me start another movement.

Ludmila may be unlucky to have gotten put back on a Type 4, but those nails look great with her makeup and eyes! This photo is really cute!

Dude, if you think type 4 hands are bad, they aren't nearly as bad as type 3 hands....I want to cry even thinking about them.
like...why. Most of my dolls were originally on type 3s which is one of the many reasons most of them are on Obitsu bodies. LOL

do you remember when type 3 bodies began & ended? I was just thinking, almost all of my fav pullips in the world have those shitty hands (I think - obviously Blanche does)
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Type 3 bodies began with Lan Ai and Lan Ake in September 2005 and ended with Adsiltia in December 2008.

All of my favorite releases came with Type 3 bodies as well. xD Unlucky.
[Image: jan26.jpg]
January 26: Barbie Loves Elvis... or anyone else who will buy her a drink

Those eyes! She looks like a sorority sister who has yet to learn that mixing 'ludes with tequila isn't such a good idea. There are valid reasons these no-quality-control "Collector Edition" Barbies from the mid-1990s are worth less today than they cost twenty years ago. This is the "Barbie Loves Elvis" set from 1996-ish. I got it on eBay for cheap for a project I had in mind. The Elvis figure doesn't look much better, so that project might be shelved. (Well, actually, that project has already been shelved, because it was a Christmas-themed project that never got off the ground.)

The "old school" microphone stand that comes with the set is pretty cool, though, and so is the guitar. Those pieces may show up in future photos.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Ah, I also have this set! My grandmother collected Barbies and I inherited her collection. She was obsessed with Elvis, so obviously these dolls made it into her collection. I haven't noticed many problems with the quality, but they are some of the few dolls I have actually left in the box.

I think she's very pretty! I love the 50's aesthetic.

** wheeze, gasp .. I forgot my own rule & had a mouthful of coffee when I saw the caption HA.

She has that face I like (Silkstone? maybe) but the blonde/blue eyed Barbie has to be something really special to win me. Having said that, your photo is wonderful. That background and her eyes Heart
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(01-27-2018, 10:02 AM)DeadlyNova Wrote: I think she's very pretty! I love the 50's aesthetic.

Her outfit is quite nice, very "mid-fifties" in style, and well-made.

(01-27-2018, 10:15 AM)Miss Edith Wrote: That background and her eyes....

Hee! As a backdrop, I cleverly left her in her original box! LOL Those slightly askew pupils in her eyes have me wishing I had the confidence to attempt a minor eye touch-up.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
yeah but they do fit with her character arc LOL And wow Mattel did good with that colour in the box. I wish every doll came in matched packaging for ease of photography.
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
[Image: jan27.jpg]
January 27 – Integrity Toys Dynamite Girls "Spooky Sooki: The Return"
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
More cool vintage girls smile
What do you use to edit?
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