DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Aw! I'm not really familiar with LOL Surprise, but it kind of looks like if a Funko POP and a Byul had a baby.
(01-21-2019, 09:43 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: ... it kind of looks like if a Funko POP and a Byul had a baby.
LOL Ha! Yes, it kind of does!
Iris looks fabulous... I love hearing about dolls in horrible condition getting rescued and all fixed up and getting a new life with people who appreciate them.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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I still absolutely love Iris! I remember you getting her but I didn’t remember her being so cheap! She really went to a good home though.
The Surprise dolls have actual hair? That’s amazing.
Oh wow, I did not ex.pect a Surprise doll to actually have hair. Wow. Awesome pictures ^^
Thank you guys for your comments! She kind of does look like a cross between a Byul and a POP. LOL.

I was surprised that they made them with real hair too, I like it a lot better than the ones with the plastic hair.

Day 21:
[Image: 39869008193_791aef15a3_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 21/365 by Haley, on Flickr
Today I went to a really big antique mall and got a ton of 80's Barbies along with this vintage Ideal Velvet doll from 1981, NRFB. Then removed her. Heh. Good thing about vintage dolls, you can just put them back easily.

I already have the original Velvet from the 70's, but she's not in very good condition. The last time I went to this same antique mall back in October I was very tempted by this later Velvet doll, and since she was still there this time I bought her. I'm very glad I did. <3 She's so cute.
Aw, she is cute! I don't think I've heard of her either. Must have been meant for you to get her, since she was still waiting for you from October! And I'm glad you let her out of her box smile
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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Velvet looks like a kind of baby Barbie. She reminds me of the Snow White and Belle toddler dolls that Lejays has.
They're part of the Ideal Growing Hair dolls line. The main doll was Crissy, although I've always preferred Velvet. I do have an original Crissy doll, but she's in even poorer condition than my original Velvet.

Here is the 70's Velvet commerical. Not sure if there was one for the 80's doll I have here.
Never heard of these cuties! Your vintage dolls are fascinating!
Thank you! I love all things dolls and I love all things vintage, so it's always a winning combination for me! <3

Day 22:
[Image: 31899113907_099f587ba6_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 22/365 by Haley, on Flickr
Mattel Gold Label 50th Anniversary Francie Doll.

Francie was Barbie's cousin in the 60's, and while I still have yet to find an original for a price I'm willing to pay, I do have the 50th Anniversary Francie "Miss Teenage Beauty". I think she's super cute. <3
She is super cute! Was she the British mod cousin?
Francie is very classy looking! I appreciate learning about all these vintage dolls-- You have an awesomely diverse collection.
@neon: She sure is!!

Thank you both so much! I used to try to JUST collect Pullips, but I find I really love dollie diversity. <3

Day 23:
[Image: 32981383948_e45836d253_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 23/365 by Haley, on Flickr
Nooroo, my My Melody!! She jumps back and forth into the position of 'favorite Pullip'(not to be confused with favorite Pullip family member). I love her so much. <3 She has an issue where she cannot close her eyes, and I've never figured out what it is, and she is missing a chunk of her lip, but I still adore her.

She's named after a character from the cartoon Miraculous Ladybug(I have...quite a few dolls that are named after characters from Miraculous. And one that shares one by coincidence.) Incidentally, it was only just recently discovered that this character's name is spelled the same way as I spelled hers. Everyone thought it was spelled "Nuru" before. I liked this spelling much better for both of them. <3

Nooroo predicted rain, despite how nice of a day it was today! She ended up being right! A few hours after this photo was taken, it started pouring down rain, and hasn't stopped since. Speaking of weather, I don't understand the weather here at all. Yesterday it was 27 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest it's been here all winter, and today it was 71 degrees Fahrenheit, the warmest it's been since fall. ???????? what?

The storm knocked out my internet literally as I was posting this UGHHFEHAFOIFJES
She looks so cheerful! This photo makes it seem like she's dancing, so cute! Glad you managed to post this despite the trouble.

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