Colette, the Astronaut Girl♥ ver.2.0
So... Let's Restart from Scratch here;

The 1986 Cabbage Patch Kids YOUNG ASTRONAUTS Doll i had as a young boy;

[Image: 41f6ccba-65b6-4b77-b96f-f6f797af98c6.png]

The Bisque-headed Precious Moments Girl i chose as the Basis
for Bringing my childhood CPK Astronaut Girl back to me in a more Adorable Form;

[Image: 21602894-69a6-47ce-b7c3-393725b10fd6.jpg]

The Body i chose for her, WAL-MART "My Life as" an "American Girl" Clone, Essentially;

[Image: ad0db62f-c085-496d-bc43-8ebf00ecc5b4.png]

The Spacesuit Helmet i found for her,
- taken from second-hand American Girl costume parts -
that looks better, -YMMV - and moreover actually fits her head properly;

[Image: 7f60ff55-c372-4376-9be3-ed2ae1eda8b3.jpg]

And the Finished Wonderful little Astronaut Lady that i never quite had as a kid... - Better Late than Never - ♥Colette♥

[Image: 9efae1a0-8381-4cb8-b8ef-e45857732bac.png]

[Image: 18b45a45-3f3e-4e70-8497-12fcb73eac66.png]

What's More... She can actually now stand and support her own Weight just fine...
Provided she has a wall or the like to lean back against;

[Image: db1f1ff7-e9d6-4c5e-8b31-be73a6592bd7.png]

[Image: d1a8cc20-c2fb-4360-aef0-f6d98badbbf4.jpg]

[Image: 026077e1-7665-4bf2-9781-be4ca00f4d18.png]

[Image: 5f54dfbb-0520-4673-8d6f-d385a6eb4cf6.png]
[Image: 37bc15f5-7ec1-4f7a-a8dd-7ffdfc159f7a.jpg]

[Image: ae9cd691-fe13-4c73-ac5e-6ef3bea2a6ae.png]

[Image: 99f29f26-291b-41d2-bfaa-86d67ccc94fe.png]

[Image: 61b46cca-dd62-4263-b26b-f393d34e05a5.png]

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