Crazykimochi's Feedback
+1 as a buyer! Crazykimochi bought my Jupi from me, and was a dream to deal with. Super friendly, quick to respond to PM's, and paid sooner than I expected. Overall just absolutely fantastic. :-) Thanks!!
+1 Positive as a seller
Thank you~!
Oh, gosh, I forgot to do this! Sorry Miss Tina. <3

+1 as a seller! Very nice, great communication, and super fast shipping! Thank you~!
[[ ★ flickr ★ ]]
+1 positive, really cute dress + an awesome seller. included a free headband as a freebie (yay!wink =3
+1! Tina is amazing, as always! I bought a single dress from her, and she included a free headband. Thats what I call awesome!

Thank you so much - will definaltely be buying from you again!
Stock wanted - Blythe Cousin Olivia blouse and corset, Angelic Pretty Dal, Momoko Sweet Poodle
Items wanted - Girl Ciel boots, Pirate Dal's boots
Clicky for bigger WANTLIST!

Ruled by one Kenner blythe....
+1 for Clarity split. Always a pleasure doing business with you grin
+1 as a buyer. Hope you enjoy Ala's stock! yay
+1 as a trader. I love getting random headbands from you Tina~ they're so gorgeous and perfect every time we do a little swap <3 The shirt is super cute too, Panda loves it!
+1 positive seller. She was extremely helpful in answering my questions and very patient at my indecisiveness! I love my headbands, thanks so much!
+1 as a seller. Fast shipping, great communication as always. If you haven't done business w/Crazy, you're missing out - she is a 100% awesome DM member!

+1 love the headbands thanks!
+1 thanks so much!
Received today, everything was gorgeous!
xox thank you so much
+1 for being an awesome customer!
quick payment and great communication <img src=" />
+1 as a seller!
Fast shipping,great communication!
Thanks, <img src=" />

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